There is an expectation as a Christian to ‘do the right thing’ even when others around us are not. We can make the same decision over and over again to ‘be bigger,’ yet still we can find ourselves in the same place: How do I walk this out? Life is unfair at times. Continue reading
Moving beyond offence when you really want to get even
There is something that seems so satisfying about getting even. When we are hurt our first response can be to seek revenge, to show the other person how wrong they were, or at least share how wronged you have been. How do you move beyond offence? Continue reading
Plain and ordinary people
The Bible talks about ‘ordinary people.’ Who are these ordinary people. Am I one?
Continue reading
Is honesty really the best policy? When the truth hurts.
Boundaries and perfection around hospitality and help
Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality. (Romans 12:13 MSG)
If we’re not careful, we can create boundaries (to prevent burn out) based on one-off instances and rob ourselves of the blessing it is to be helpful. Continue reading
Even when it hurts I’ll pray- what is a miracle anyway?
I’m not sure where we get the idea that when we hurt we must have somehow walked out of the will of God. Continue reading
Can we learn spirituality from a duck?
I often liken my own spirituality to a duck swimming in the water. Continue reading
Who do you prefer?
I am not in control. Life happens, children happen, much of this happening includes mess and extra work. Sometimes these happenings conflict with my plans and I fight to regain control, it’s control I never had. Continue reading
What if I told you that you will get hurt again?
Every year the church I grew up in hosted a youth camp at Lake Ainsworth in Northern NSW. One particular year I was determined to find out if God had indeed called me to do something significant. Continue reading
Do you doubt yourself?

Hey! Just a quick message for those following on WordPress before I launch into the next blog in a meander though Romans 12:8: Continue reading