Ezra Davies Photography
I am a person of extremes. I understand and enjoy exploring all the ‘inbeweens,’ the grey area between all my pendulum swinging moments, I just don’t like camping there. I like absolutes, all or nothing. Continue reading
Ezra Davies Photography
I am a person of extremes. I understand and enjoy exploring all the ‘inbeweens,’ the grey area between all my pendulum swinging moments, I just don’t like camping there. I like absolutes, all or nothing. Continue reading
What if…
Our first thought was our most creative?
Our first idea was our most inspired?
Our first draft the most moving and ingenious?
Our first response the most intuitive or Spirit led? Continue reading
by Jade Sweeney of Arkanddeer
One of my personal convictions about worship is to live a life ‘fully awake to all that God has purposed.’ Continue reading