Self-worth struggles and a Covenant of Life

When I was in the final stages of editing my book I came across this passage:

‘Black baggy clothes were my staple attire—my best efforts to hide the body I was ashamed of. In my mind, the few extra kilos I carried were enough to make me want to hide. But imagining the future forced me to realise I didn’t want to be a wife with body image issues, a lack of confidence, constantly belittling myself. God valued me, and I needed to start valuing myself.

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Sin too deep for forgiveness…

how to feel forgiven

The shame, guilt and horror of what I’d done were so deep that I couldn’t deal with being present in my own life. I just watched it from a distance. I wasn’t me. At times, truckloads of emotions boiled up, and I exploded in uncontrollable crying, screaming and shouting. The outbursts lasted for hours. I was an intelligent and capable young woman yet the way I was living was incongruent with what my heart knew to be true, and it caused extreme conflict within. Continue reading

An Excerpt from Daughter Wait

Daughter Wait Carly

Chapter 3: Wisdom From Above

Sit down and grab a coffee- you’ll love this chapter from my soon to be released book Daughter Wait! 

As I sat on the bed of my small dorm one afternoon, I opened my Bible to find Solomon moaning that life felt meaningless. Hardly uplifting, but this verse caught my eye: ‘The wife God gives you is your reward for all your earthly toil’ (Ecc 9:9 NLT).

I was intrigued. The idea of becoming a wife one day seemed impossible after the series of less than ideal choices I had made. It was the furthest thing from my mind…kinda. Continue reading


The problem with deception is, you don’t know you’re walking in it until it’s too late. Considering the way I was living, it shouldn’t have been such a shock to discover my period was two weeks late. I was in the middle of a shift at work when it dawned on me. Initially, I didn’t even entertain the idea I was pregnant. Girls have irregular periods all the time. Surely I couldn’t be pregnant? Continue reading

Should you have a list or not?

write a list for guy

It’s a common question when you’re single. Your list, not unlike a list for Santa, is a list of requirements Mr Right needs to embody to be considered potentially date-worthy.

Writing a list felt daunting… a little too absolute for my liking. I didn’t want to be specific nor did I want to be too open. I didn’t really know what I wanted. The last guy I dated had ticked all my boxes yet the outcome of our relationship couldn’t have been further from what I’d envisaged. Continue reading