I’m not sure where we get the idea that when we hurt we must have somehow walked out of the will of God. Continue reading
Who do you prefer?
I am not in control. Life happens, children happen, much of this happening includes mess and extra work. Sometimes these happenings conflict with my plans and I fight to regain control, it’s control I never had. Continue reading
What if I told you that you will get hurt again?
Every year the church I grew up in hosted a youth camp at Lake Ainsworth in Northern NSW. One particular year I was determined to find out if God had indeed called me to do something significant. Continue reading
Mind your business

Some of us are reluctant to get involved while others need to learn how to take a backseat. I am the later. My endless opinions and ‘fix it nature’ draw me all sorts of places constantly. Continue reading
Prophetic coffee order?
A meander though Romans 12:6 Continue reading
I want to show you something about yourself that you didn’t know…
Do you have faith that I could borrow? A fast from thinking…
I think too much. I analyze, plan, consider, rehearse, summarize and make endless lists… Up until recently I thought this was just part of my personality. But last week for the first time, I considered that perhaps over thinking was just another coping mechanism and attempt to control my life. Continue reading
Creativity Begets Creativity
Choc Hazelnut Spread carlysrecipe.com
Last October I had an idea to start this blog. Up until this point point I had known nothing about blogs was extremely technically challenged. I Googled everything and asked heaps of questions that totally revealed that I was a rookie. As I engaged in the creative process, learnt new things and put them into practice; I began to see what I had envisaged come to life and I was totally inspired. Continue reading
Day 1 of Creativity: A Partnership with Heaven
by Jade Sweeney of Arkanddeer
One of my personal convictions about worship is to live a life ‘fully awake to all that God has purposed.’ Continue reading
Beauty in the chaos

Are we sometimes trapped in boxes that we have created for ourselves?
In many ways I feel like I have come to know my voice as a wife, a mum, a friend, a leader. I have known my voice in different seasons as a pastor a primary teacher a creative. But as a writer I am unsure. Continue reading