Over the years I’ve used a number of different Bible reading plans. The following one is quite possibly the best you’ll ever come across so I’m excited to share it with you along with some Free Downloads. Continue reading
Margin for more: When freedom calls

It was in one of our pre-marriage counselling sessions, that my hubby and I first heard about the principle of creating margin for more.
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Where is your mountain?
While many defining moments in God begin with the cliche, ‘I can’t remember who was speaking, where we were, or what the message was about,’ the following recollection is NOT one of those times.
What’s my purpose? Vagabond feels
I can’t help but wonder if 21st century Christians have been sold a lie.
Why must I wrestle? God & Thoughts
I picked my girls up from kids church recently and was greeted by the kids leader: “your girls really love to wrestle hey?!” Continue reading
How does the devil attack? Did he break my toaster?
In many areas we give the devil more credit than due… We can also be completely oblivious to his schemes. How does the devil attack? Continue reading
When life is unfair- kindness, faith and trust
There is an expectation as a Christian to ‘do the right thing’ even when others around us are not. We can make the same decision over and over again to ‘be bigger,’ yet still we can find ourselves in the same place: How do I walk this out? Life is unfair at times. Continue reading
Moving beyond offence when you really want to get even
There is something that seems so satisfying about getting even. When we are hurt our first response can be to seek revenge, to show the other person how wrong they were, or at least share how wronged you have been. How do you move beyond offence? Continue reading
Plain and ordinary people
The Bible talks about ‘ordinary people.’ Who are these ordinary people. Am I one?
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Adding value to others in the good times and the bad- a lesson from Lauren
When it comes to adding value to others, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt was from my good friend Lauren. Continue reading