Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1 NIV
A ‘living sacrifice’ is an oxymoron. Continue reading
A ‘living sacrifice’ is an oxymoron. Continue reading
Have you ever heard the phrase ‘let’s enter a time of worship?’
We know worship is not about songs yet we speak and act like it is. Continue reading
I think too much. I analyze, plan, consider, rehearse, summarize and make endless lists… Up until recently I thought this was just part of my personality. But last week for the first time, I considered that perhaps over thinking was just another coping mechanism and attempt to control my life. Continue reading
Is God is interested in the everyday ordinary details of our lives? I am continuing to ponder this question…
About six months ago I was in the middle of a rather lengthy pursuit to find the perfect pair of leather boots. At the height of my chase I had driven an hour and a half to the only store within a 100km radius that had ‘the ultimate pair’ still in my size. They looked perfect but as I tried them on I quickly realised that they hardly fit, even without a sock. Continue reading
image by McGuigan Visuals
I’ve lost count of the number of times times I have lead worship or spoken only to leave the platform wanting nothing more than to have the world swallow me up, vowing never to do it again. Continue reading
I am inspired to document my convictions about worship as a sort of time capsule. After I wrote about some of my experiences and old beliefs about worship in my years as a new Christian I felt like this could be a good starting point to build from. Continue reading
It brings a smile too my face as I think back to my early days in church and, in particular, what I believed about worship. I’m not really sure where my first understanding of worship came from, though it has definitely evolved over the years. Continue reading